[ENGLISH version]今年Bih写了很多关于多米尼克投资公民入籍计划的文章,大部份都是Bih亲身经验(因为我办理了多米尼克投资公民入籍计划),我也分享了多米尼克护照跟加勒比国家的护照的比较,包括圣基茨、安提瓜、格林那达、圣卢西亚、还有土耳其,很多人心里都有个疑问,虽然多米尼克入籍项目的整体的表现有优势,但如果要过去生活仍然是一个问题,必竟买了护照总会考虑也移民过去生活,多米尼克护照有130个免签国家,拥有欧盟区免签通行跟东加勒比共同体自由通行的好处,但如果你正在在虑替将来做一个更好的规划,升级版的多米尼克公民入籍计划 ACBIP, Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program (Dominica + Greece) 会是你最好的选择,直接跳级到塞普路斯护照和马耳它护照项目的水平; 兼顾免签国家的优势、资产规划的优势、在欧盟生活的优势!而只要一半的成本,一半的时间! 还有说不完的好处!
比哥 与 BPROL的坚持: 比哥写的文章都是以自己亲身经验做为基础,坚持信息的内容都是对大家有帮助,你可以了解如何用比较低的成本完成其它人做到不的事,做到低成本高性价
- 圣基茨 多米尼克 土耳其 三个最强一步到位护照 国籍优势总评比 (三)
- CBI指数:多米尼克护照项目 91%总分全球排名第一
- 一本多米尼克护照给你在九个国家工作 九个国家生活 认识东加勒比国家组织 安提瓜和巴布达、多米尼克、格林纳达、圣基茨、圣卢西亚、圣文森特、蒙特塞拉特、英属维京群岛、安圭拉
多米尼克投资公民入籍计划 Citizenship by Investment Program, Dominica
1993年多米尼克(Commonwealth of Dominica启动投资入籍计划(Citizenship by Investment),由《宪法》制定申请人可以通过在多米尼克投资即可申请多米尼克公民,并且不需要在多米尼克居住,并且将国籍颁发给对国家经济有贡献的投资人。持多米尼克国籍可以免除海外全球征税,护照可以免签130个国家,包括英国、欧盟、香港、新加坡、韩国,通过审核并且投入经济贡献取得身份的申请人受到国家法律的保障,并且享有国民的福利,可以携带家人,下一代也可以延续国籍身份,多米尼克投资公民入籍计划目前也是全球所有投资公民入籍计划成本最低的项目之一 : 快速了解多米尼克英联邦护照,办理、材料、公证、时间、免签国家、申请资格、优势
赛普路斯跟马耳它护照项目 VS 升级版的多米尼克公民入籍计划
事实上如果现在辨理赛普路斯跟马耳它,排期加上政府流程要等一年以上,中介也很多,很多人也不知道交了钱是否办不办得下来,也担心国内国外政策会不会又改变,花的钱又多,升级版的米尼克公民入籍计划ACBIP, Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program (多米尼克护照 + 希腊FIP居留权, FIP指的是financially independent person),是一个更合适的选择,可以拿本护照, 也可以移民,兼顾生活、孩子的教育;也可以做资产配置,随时出行,而且方便快速又安全
强大的优势: 多米尼克护照 + 希腊FIP居留权
- 非常快速; 两个月拿到多米尼克护照, 再申请希腊独立财务人士(FIP)
- 保有本国籍(多米尼克不要求你放弃原本国籍,也不会主动通报)
- 两个离岸税号
- 三身份(原国籍+希腊永居+多米尼克)更容易做到合法资产分散、离岸资产配置
- 四种货币(美元+欧元+英镑+人民币)共同持有
- 五大生活圈的选择(中国,欧元区,英国,美国,跟美洲加勒比),可以在欧洲、加勒比成立公司并持有股份,方便做税务规划
- 加上美国签证后, 可以通行160个国家,在35个国家自由的便利生活,穿越国门就像当地公民, 享受无限的生活优势
- 最重要的: 只需要大概200万人民币, 成本是马耳它护照1/3的,塞普路斯的1/10
升级版的多米尼克公民入籍计划 | 赛普路斯 | 馬耳它 | |
可通行 | 162国家 | 165国家 | 169国家 |
办理时间 | 2个月+2个月 | 8-12个月 | 超过1年 |
资产隔离 | 原国家保留资产、用希腊身份持有部份资产、多米尼克身份持有离岸资产 | 欧盟身份来持有资产 | 欧盟身份来持有资产 |
成本 | 200万人民币以内(多米尼克护照+希腊独立财务人士, financially independent person, FIP) | 2000万人民币(实际200万欧元) | 700万人民币(实际65万欧元) |
结论 | 多米尼克护照本身免签130个国家, 希腊身份进可攻退可守; 可以用来申请护照, 也可以当作中转的身份 | 已有取消护照的经验 | 拒签机会最大, 排期最长 |
投资金额小, 容易做资金安排 | 快速办理, 资金不审查的时间已经过去 | 欧盟对于发护照的国家, 新取得护照的公民做很严格的背景调查; 而且钱如果不是合法完税出境, 很难通过, 最后会很浪费时间 |
赛普路斯跟马尔它的护照项目如果后想要保留中国身份(如果你的国家也不允许双重国籍),你要考虑怎么解决这个问题,因为你不可能在中国飞欧洲时直接用赛普路斯和马尔它护照登机,而且现在快速办理, 资金不审查的机会已经过去;大笔资金要合法出境是个很头痛的问题, 如果没有做好资金合法出境和资金来源的说明, 未来护照可能无法续期, Cyprus今年已经撤销26本护照
多米尼克身份做保底, 希腊身份做完美延伸
多米尼克公民投资入籍计划跟希腊独立财务人士签证都是政府立法的项目,风险低, 以多米尼克身份做保底, 希腊身份做完美延伸;多米尼克国籍保证你的离岸身份、资产的永续,加上希腊身份兼顾未来的长远发展
- 多米尼克公民入籍计划成立于西元1993年,是世界上历史最悠久的入籍计划之一。
- 护照移民不需要申请人参加面试
- 可以快速处理移民:时间其约为2-3个月
- 对于单身申请人来说,这是最具成本效益的计划
- 身份可以永久传给直系的新生下一代
- 谘询点此预约
Everything Thing You Need to Know about Dominica Citizenship, it will benefit you in many respects. In a word, the passport of Dominica will be your best choice in 2020.
[中文版]This year, I have written a number of articles involving Dominica’s CBI program, most of which came from my own experience. I applied for Citizenship of Dominica by investment in 2017, and I shared many comparisons of advantages and disadvantages between passports of Dominica and those of other Caribbean countries, including Saint Kitts, Antigua, Grenada, Saint Lucia, as well as Turkey. I know the main concern of many applicants is that despite the overall performance of Dominica’s citizenship program being higher, applicants face many challenges living in such an unfamiliar and far-away country.
For these applicants, immigration could be a key point for choosing the Citizenship by Investment program. What I want to say is that the Commonwealth of Dominica passport provides visa-free access to more than 130 countries around the world, including the entire European Union and the East Caribbean Community. If you want to make a better plan for your future, the Advanced Citizenship by Investment (combined with Dominica Citizenship and Greek Residency) will be your best choice in 2020. Investors can directly reach the access levels of Cypress and Maltese citizenship programs. Considering the advantages of visa-free access to more than 130 countries, offshore assets planning, and living in the European Union at an expense of half the cost and time of applying for citizenship, along with many other benefits, this will undoubtedly be your best choice.
My Insist, Bih, and BPROL ;The Bih articles are all based on my own experiences; I am now simply delivering helpful information to everyone. You can learn how to achieve this citizenship goal at a relatively low cost through my articles.
Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program
Established in 1993, the Citizenship by Investment Program legally offers investors who have made economic contributions to Dominica an irrevocable second citizenship with no visit to the country required. Such citizens of Dominica have the exemption of overseas income tax, and its passport provides visa-free access to more than 130 countries around the world, including the entire European Union, UK, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Applicants who have passed the due diligence and Citizenship by Investment Unit, and who make economic contributions to Dominica, will be protected by law and enjoy the welfare of a citizen. They can carry with them their family members, and their next generations will continue to have this national identity. Best of all, the Commonwealth of Dominica offers the cheapest citizenship by investment program in the world.
Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program(combined with Dominica Citizenship and Greek Residency)
My friends with Dominica passports have always asked me whether they should live there. But they usually had never thought to live in such a faraway country in the Caribbean before, and they worry about how to get a job there. So, sometimes the investors consider a passport from Cypress or Malta to be just as good, even better, as there they can choose to either immigrate or just get the passport. However, the price of Cypress’ CIB program is 2 million euro, and the price is 650,000 euro for Maltese citizenship. In fact, if you are a citizen of Dominica, you can live not only in Dominica, but you can also live and work in Antigua, Grenada, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and Montserrat. You can live freely in all the countries of the Eastern Caribbean States.
Passport Project of Cypress and Malta vs. Dominica Citizenship plus Greek Financially Independent Person Visa
If you start to apply for a passport from Cyprus or Malta now, generally, you will wait about a year, due to the schedule and governmental pre-approval process. In addition, there are too many agencies, and many people don’t know which one to choose and whether these agencies can be trusted. You will also worry about whether domestic and foreign policies will change again, and the cost here is also very high. ACBIP, Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program (combined with Dominica Citizenship and Greek Residency) is likely a more suitable choice for you, as you needn’t spend much money, and you can choose to immigrate to Europe, pursuing a better life and a sound education for your kids. Additionally, you can perform asset allocation and travel at any time, which is convenient, fast, and safe.
The cost is only one-third that of the Maltese passport and one-tenth that of the Cypress passport.
Great advantages
- Fast turnaround : you can get a Dominica passport in two months, and then apply for Greek financially independent person.
- Don’t lose your existing citizenship: Dominica does not require that you renounce your existing citizenship, nor will they actively inform your home country.
- Two offshore tax numbers.
- Triple identities (original nationality, Greek residency, and Dominica citizenship): It’s easier for you to achieve legal asset dispersion and offshore asset allocation.
- Hold in four currencies and exchange any time (USD, Euro, Pounds, and RMB).
- The choice of five life circles (Your own country, European Union area, UK, US, and the Caribbean): you can set up companies and hold shares in Europe and the Caribbean to facilitate tax planning.
- Adding a U.S. visa, you can pass through 160 countries and live freely and conveniently in 35 countries. Crossing the country like a local citizen, you can enjoy unlimited life advantages.
- Most important: the low cost, only about 2 million yuan, is one-third the cost of a Maltese passport and one-tenth that of a Cypress one.
Comparison between ACBIP and Passport of Cypress and Malta
ACBIP | Cypress | Malta | |
Passable | 162 countries | 165 countries | 169 countries |
Handling time | 2 and extra 2 months | 8 to 12 months | over a year |
Asset allocation | remain in the original country, assets held as Greek residency, or offshore assets-holding as Dominica citizen, | assets holding as EU citizen | assets holding as EU citizen |
Cost | <200 thousand dollars | 2m euros | 650 thousand euros |
Conclusion | A Dominica passport offers visa-free access to more than 130 countries, and the Greek residency can move forward actively and or be withdrawn—it allows you to apply for citizenship in the future and can also be used as a transit strategy | There are cases in which an applicant’s passport has been canceled by Cyprus | The possibility of them rejecting your applications has increased.In addition, the schedule is the longest it has ever been |
The investment amount is so small that it’s easy to arrange the funds quickly and speed up handling time. | The time of governments paying little attention to the funding source is gone | The European Union conducts a very strict background investigation on the citizenship programs of Cyprus and Malta, and now, they also are doing a re-check of those citizens who have obtained passports in the past. |
Dominica Passport plus Greek Financially Independent Person, the BEST of 2020
Dominica CBI program has allowed its investors visa-free access to 130 countries by holding the country’s passport, adding the advantage of Greek financially independent person, which can be attached or applied later—in the future, it can be used to switch to European citizenship and also can be used as a transit identity. Aiming at small amounts of investment, it’s easy to make cross-the-border funding arrangements. Both of these programs all are protected by law, so there’s low risk. If the investors use a Dominica identity as a guarantee, then make an extension using Greek residency, Dominica nationality will ensure the continuity of your world-class identity and asset security. Greece will also offer help to develop in the long run.