财务独立人士,免投资,免买房,财务独立人士,欧盟永居,绿卡,一步到位,申请希腊居留许可,比黄金签证更有价值! FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT PERSONS/INDIVIDUALS
根據希腊第 4251/2014号法律第20条–财务独立人士的居留许可,非欧盟公民拥有足够的资源、稳定的年收入水平,以非工作收入的型式能够涵盖生活开销,即可申请2年期居留许可。免投资,免买房,一步到位,直接取得绿卡,可以转永居,比黄金签证更有价值! FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT PERSONS/INDIVIDUALS,该申请者若被授予个人居留许可,也可以为其家庭成员申请陪同。特色:
- 居留许可为2年期,之后每3年续一次
- 在希腊与申根国家没有居留限制(与黄金签证不同)
- 5年转永居
- 7年符合资格可以申请护照
- 搭配多米尼克护照:双身份+双税号+35个国家居留权
了解财务独立人士身份与黄金签证(买房)身份的区别,可以看这篇文章:希腊绿卡比较独立财务人士(Financially Independent Person, FIP ) VS 黄金签证(Golden Visa) 优势与劣势的比较
希腊绿卡需要五年的时间转永居,并且在第七年之后才可以申请护照,搭配英联邦多米尼克护照享受免除居留限制登陆申根区国家法国、德国、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、丹麦、芬兰、瑞典、斯洛伐克、斯洛维尼亚、波兰、捷克、匈牙利、义大利、马尔他、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、冰岛、挪威、瑞士及列支敦斯登;以及圣露西亚、圣文森、圣基茨、多米尼克、安提瓜、格瑞那达、 英属维京群岛、安圭拉、以及蒙特塞拉特,以及希腊与多米尼克。
- 拥有一主国籍、
- 两个离岸税号、
- 三身份(主国籍+希腊+多米尼克)、
- 四种货币(美元+欧元+英镑+人民币)、
- 五大区生活选择(中国+欧元区+英国+美洲美国+美洲加勒比)
- 做到资产分散,免签证通行的便利与无限的生活优势
- 孩子更容易申请欧洲学校,学习外语
- 做中转的身份(参考这篇文章:实战|双重国籍|多米尼克护照|中国护照|美国|澳大利亚|希腊 中转海关详细路线)
- 希腊绿卡比较独立财务人士(Financially Independent Person, FIP ) VS 黄金签证(Golden Visa) 优势与劣势的比较
- 办理多米尼克护照需要准备的材料
- 离岸银行开户
Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, is one of the most historic countries. Located in Southern Europe, Greece is strategically located at thecrossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. This makes it a prime location for investors with a global business mindset. Greece is a democratic and developedcountry with a high standard of living and a member of the European Union. Besides its cultural significance and summer sunshine making it a prime touristlocation, Greece warmly welcomes investors seeking business opportunities and offers its residents a high quality of life and a very high standard ofliving.
The Greece Residency Permit, allows the investor and their direct family, to live, study and work in Greece and other EU member countries provided theymeet the necessary requirements.
Greece offers Residency by investment options to individuals who wish to purchase real estate or perform a strategic investment in the economy. Theseoptions grant residency for different time frames, and are defined in Law 4146/2013: Creation of a Development Friendly Environment for Strategic and Private Investments.
Greece Residency by Investment Programme Benefits:
Freedom to travel or live visa – free in Europe
Individual and his/her family will have the right to not only live year-round in Greece, but also stay without any time limitations in the Schengen area.
Opportunities for doing Business
Holders of residency have the right to buy real estate, register and manage a business.
No Requirement to Stay in Greece
There is no need to stay in Greece for a fixed period of time.
Access to Public Educational System
Holders have the right to educate their children in educational institutions of the Schengen Countries.
Citizens can also benefit from the world-renowned and leading healthcare systems in the EU.
Possibility of receiving permanent residency and EU Citizenship
Holders have the right to obtain the permanent residence after five years from the date of obtaining residence permits and following that they can freelyclaim Greek citizenship.
Options to Acquire Residence Permit in Greece:
The program is aimed at high net worth individuals who wish to obtain permanent residence, with the possibility of citizenship.
According to Articles 16 and 20 of Law 4251/2014 (former Article 26 of Law3386/2005) third-country nationals may enter Greece in order to perform aninvestment, which shall contribute to the growth of the national economy.
In the case of investments classified as Strategic Investments, under a decision of the Interministerial Committee for Strategic Investments,residence permit may be granted to the legal representative of the investor and to up to 10 additional persons, who shall act for the implementation of theinvestment plan.
The Greek government greatly invites foreign investments with the new Law 4146/2013, by offering residency permits to non-EU foreign citizens that buyproperty. According to the Law, non-European citizens who are owners of real estate in Greece may obtain a 5-year residence permit which can be renewed twomonths prior to the expiration of the residence permit.
According to Art. 20 of the Law on Immigration and Social Integration (4251/2014) (former Article 24 of Law 3386/2005) citizens of third countries andmembers of their families wishing to retire in Greece or otherwise live in Greece without working, can apply for a Greek residence permit based onindependent income or funds from outside the country via retirement benefits or a pension, virtual job, business, savings or grants.
This type of residency permit is issued for a period of 2 years and can then be extended, on the condition that the holder of the residency permit maintainshis/her income.
Who Can Apply?
Non- EU citizens having adequate resources at a level of steady annual income for the coverage of their living expenses may apply for a 2- year residencepermit. Such individuals may be accompanied by members of their families to whom a personal residence permit is granted.
Sufficient Income
The condition for sufficient income must exist for each member of the family. The minimum income is 2000 euros / month and in case the person is accompaniedby their family, this amount is increased by 20% for the spouse and 15% for each child. The amount of the income may be proved by pension abroad, bankaccount statements or other proof that the person has its own sufficient income, of legal origin, to cover its expenses without being employed or exercisean independent economic activity in Greece.
Duration of the Residence Permit
The residence permit for financially independent persons is issued for 2 years and may be renewed every 3 years. Access to labor market: this type ofresidence permit does not allow access to the labor market.
Process – Steps
Step 1 – Obtain a Visa
The applicant obtains a special visa from the competent Greek embassy/consulate in the country of origin. The applicant should appear in person and beinterviewed briefly in relation to the purpose of their application.
Required Documents
- Passport valid for at least three months after the expiration date of the visa
- Certificate of criminal record of the applicant by the competent authorities of the country of origin
- Medical certificate by a recognized public or private institution, proving that the applicant doesn’t suffer from a disease capable ofbeing dangerous to the public health according to the international standards of the World Health Organization
- Evidence, such as bank, social security, pension statements proving that you have the necessary annual income of 2.000 Euros/month (additional funds,20% for a spouse, 15% for each child)
- Certificate that the applicant has applied to a medical insurer for full coverage of his medical care and expenses during his staying in Greece
Moreover, the applicant should not be listed as a persona non-grata and there should be no reasons to be considered as threaten to public health, publicorder, national security and international relations.
Step 2 – Application for the Staying Permit
Upon their arrival in Greece and until the expiration of their special visa, the applicant applies for the residence permit.
Required Documents
- Application form in two (2) copies – to be drafted by our office.
- Three (3) recent colored passport photographs.
- True copy of valid passport or equivalent travel document recognized by Greece, together with valid visa.
- Health Certificate issued by a Greek state hospital, certifying that the third-country national does not suffer from any disease which according to theinternational standards and the World Health Organization (WHO) could pose a risk to the public health.
- Stamp Fee to be issued by the Greek Tax Authority.
- Certificate that the applicant has applied to a medical insurer for full coverage of his medical care and expenses (In case the applicant does not hold one,we may conclude an insurance policy in Greece).
- Evidence that the third – country national has sufficient funds, at the level of consistent annual income.
Renewal of the Staying Permit
- Application form in two (2) copies – to be drafted by our office.
- Three (3) recent colored passport photographs.
- True copy of valid passport or equivalent travel document recognized by Greece, together with valid visa.
- Stamp Fee to be issued by the Greek Tax Authority.
- Certificate that the applicant has applied to a medical insurer for full coverage of his medical care and expenses.
- Evidence that the third – country national has sufficient funds, at the level of consistent annual income.
We may assist any non-EU citizen that wishes to benefit from this provision and select your appropriate investment scheme. For more information kindlycontact us at via [email protected] or
Alternatively, and for any other inquiries, please contact us directly.
独立财务人士签证(Financially Independent Person, FIP ) 与 黄金签证(Golden Visa) 比较
居留权 移民希腊 通向未来的一个起点
希腊居留权不用回国申请美国十年签证B1 B2
九种获得希腊黄金签证的方式 除了买房 还有八种选择 Golden Visa Greece
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